Hello guys in this article we tell you some random and intersting facts about animals,world, human body etc.  in hindi . With this article you know many random facts about life and human body so you can use this in your daily life hope you enjoy .

 Random and intersting commom Fact

• People are morally creative while taking shower or in washroom.

 • 3.572 billion views and half population watching 2018 and 2016 FIFA World Cup

•Shark don't have bone instead of bone ,sharks have a skeleton made of cartilages

• Games of Throne was the only web series 12% of people not seen and 0.5 peoples are the only who do not listen the name of it .

 • North Korea and Cuba are only two places where you can't buy Coca-Cola

 • Russia is the first country to launch artificial satellite in space

 • China build a 250 acres of solar form of panda shape

 • Vitamin B  cashew nuts also supports acid in the body blood pressure is also under control by eating this and refined milk.   

 • If you eat cashew on the empty stomach then your memory power increase rapidly

• The failure is the first common fair and second is death what are amazing fact

• This is that an owl look like without its

 • Star Sports take copyright off 16,100 CR by BCCI broadcast IPL

 • The smallest cow in this world is 25 inches only

• Chocolate contains same chemical release in your brain when you fall in love.

• The footprints on the moon will stay there till hundred million years

• The cost of the space suit of Nasa is 12000 000 dollar

• Actual blood vessel of a person look like this

• India stand 2 on English speaking in whole world.

• Australia is moving 7 cm to North every year it is the fastest moving continent land mass in the world

• Shark is the only animal which cannot be affected by any disease

• 405 million views 400 million watch minute and total views on the TV is now only 836 million mean half of the population watch. 

• If person having more than two pupil is called pupula duplex
• 75% of women wear glasses
There is a fruit that taste like chocolate pudding

• The first camera look like this and take 30 minutes for per photo
• eating 2 bananas before the 60 minut of them will provide you enough energy for 90 minute intense workout .

• world's strongest fruits is kiwi eating kiwi reduce eye problems and increase eyesight.

• Icecream has been proven signification of reduced emotional and physical pain

• Insect such as  bees, mosquitoes and cicadas made noise  by rapidly moving their wings 

•The Horn of a rhinoceros is made from compacted hair rather than bone or another substance

•Sharks lay the biggest eggs in the world after that ostrich comes on 2 in the world .

•Even when a snake has its eye closed it can still see thought its eyelids

• unlike humans sheep have four stomach each helps them digest the food they eat.

• Ketchup is first sold as medicine 

•Chocolate manufactures use 40% of the world's almonds 

Smell of Chocolate increase the brain waves which triggers relaxation

• Icecream doesn't make you colder it actually make you vomit because of the fact that the ice cream contains it is the myth that you feel cold by eating ice cream.

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