In this blog we will tell about black holes in the space. It is very interesting to know that what is black holes in hindi and english which makes the space study  interesting to study . Hope you will enjoy this article.

What are black holes? 

A black hole is an astronomical object with a gravitational pull so strong that nothing, not even light, can escape it. 

There are four types of black hole
stellar, intermediate, supermassive, and miniatur

Two main classes of black holes have been extensively observed. Stellar-mass black holes with three to dozens of times the Sun’s mass are spread throughout our Milky Way galaxy, while supermassive monsters weighing 100,000 to billions of solar masses are found in the centers of most big galaxies
Do staller  the mass black hole exist? 

Most of the staller  black holes however are very difficult to detect judging form the number of the star large enough to enough to produce such black hole in Milky Way contains some hundred billion search black holes

A stellar-mass black hole forms when a star with more than 20 solar masses exhausts the nuclear fuel in its core and collapses under its own weight. The collapse triggers a supernova explosion that blows off the star’s outer layers. But if the crushed core contains more than about three times the Sun’s mass, no known force can stop its collapse 
Astronomers had long suspected  an in the between classes called the intermediate mass black hole    weighting 100 to more than 10,000  solar  masses. While a handful of candidates have been identified with indirect evidence, the most convincing example  to date came on may 21 2019 when the National science Foundation lasers Interferometer Grantational  waves observatory( LIGO) located in Livingston Louisian and Hanford Washington detected gravitational waves form a merger of two stellar mass black hole this event dubbed GWI90521 Resulted in a black hole weighting 142 suns 

Intermediate mass black hole (IMBH) is a class of black hole with mass in the range of 10^2 - 10^5 solar masses

Significantly more than stellar black holes but less than supermassive black holes. one of the theories of intermediate mass black holes formation has to do with 'hierarchical growth'
Are there intermediate black holes?

An intermediate mass black hole is the missing link. between Two other kinds of black holes supermassive and lurking at the centre's of Galaxies and staller black holes often formed in the implosions that take place when massive star. Explore or Supernova.                 

A supermassive black holes (SMBH or SBH) is the largest type of black hole , with mass an the orders of millions to billions of times the mass of the sun . Observational evidence indicates that almost every large galaxy has a supermassive black hole at the galaxy's center . The milky way has a supermassive black hole in its galactic center , which corresponds to the location of Sagittarius
                                       A Micro black holes also called quantem mechanical black holes or mini black holes , are hypothetical tiny black holes , for which quamtum mechanical effects play an important role . The concept that black holes may exist that are smaller than staller mass was introduced by Stephen Hawking.
How large is miniature black hole ?

The expected mass of laboratory produced mini black holes is on the small side about 10^-23 kg because of their extreme density even the most massive mini black holes is microscopic in size . 

Are their mini black holes?

The new study assumes that tini primordial black holes continue to exist throughout the universe .Once born black holes can by Barn matter that falls into them , including gas stripped from neighbouring stars and even other black holes .

 2019, astronomers using the Event Horizon Telescope (EHT) — an international collaboration that networked eight ground-based radio telescopes into a single Earth-size dish — captured an image of a black hole for the first time. It appears as a dark circle silhouetted by an orbiting disk of hot, glowing matter. The supermassive black hole is located at the heart of a galaxy called M87, located about 55 million light-years away, and weighs more than 6 billion solar masses. Its event horizon extends so far it could encompass much of our solar system out to well beyond the planets

 The first picture of a black hole was made using observations of the center of galaxy M87 taken by the Event Horizon Telescope. The image shows a bright ring formed as light bends in the intense gravity around a black hole 6.5 billion times the Sun’s mass.

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