Hello friend in this article we will tell you that how English became the global language and how it allows us to communicate with any of the countries. Hope you enjoy this article 
English has long ridden on the crest of globalisation and technology dominating the world no other language ever has.

English evolved by the time and the speakers.

So let's start, in the ancient time the British Empire was the largest Empire in the world . It is also most powerful nation in the world from Canada to India from Australia to Nigeria and from Caribbean to South Africa .

Once upon a time, The British Empire ruled over a third of people on the earth.

In 1922, British Empire was on its peak it was occupied more of world largest than before450 millions of population . The pupil of colonies wanted to have a good career in the British Empire they have to learn English language.

From this all the colonized countries speak only English language so from this it is considered as the "language of Elite".

By the 1956 the British Empire was breakdown and most of the colonies had gotten their independence through this British had to leave these countries and give independence to these countries..
The colonies which British Empire ruled there 

One of these countries was India.

Even after getting independent in most of the colonies English remained as an official or the national language. Why this happens? There were different reasons in different countries.

Take India for example when the Indian constitution was drawn up the constituent assembly discussed in detail about whether English should be used as a official language in India or should Hindi be used only?

They also discuss should Hindi be made into the national language?

Many people favoured Hindustani becoming the national language of the country the language which is a mix of Hindu and the Urdu but many people believe that the English should be continued as the official language in India one of the those people was Dr Bhimrao Ambedkar the doctor bheemrao Ambedkar believe that the best way to represent the dalit community the english language was the best option. He also believe that the english language was equal distance from all the communities of India for English there is no advantage to any community but Hindi and Sanskrit their brahmins has the most of the advantage.

Apart from him many leaders from South India were also concerned about did they believe that Hindi is North Indian language and if it became the National language then South India would feel under presented that is why it is decided that there'd be to official language in India which is Hindi and English.

But at the same time, over the next 15 years they would work to phase out the English language because during independence English was also seen as the language of the colonizer. it was the language spoken by the British, it should be promoted.
It was said that by 1965, English would be completely phased out in India although the parliament was given the option that the parliament could continue using English.

In 1967, an "angreji hatao" (remove English) movement was also launched by a socialist leader dad English should be completely phased out but it wasn't done because this movement had to phase a lot of resistance from South Indian leaders had obviously there in demand was also justified, why Hindi had to choosen, why not Tamil? and because of this reason, English still an official language of India.

America's story is somewhat similar to this. the United States of America was colonized by many countries which are British ,French, Spain, and Netherlands because of this in United States of America many languages was spoken like Portuguese ,French, etc.

So, the United States of America relised did the importance of having a national in identity and here languages plays a very important role.Then they decided that this language would be English because in the past America 60% of land was captured by Britishers which speaks English. 

In the starting of early 20th century, some States banned teaching foreign languages in schools it was only in 1923 that the supreme court of the USA, stench down the private languages education restrictions.

So from this you know that the countries which is colonized by British has English as official language but the rest of the countries.
In the world war second, the allied countries defeated the axis countries allied countries are like Britain, American, France defeated countries like Germany, Japan, Italy. 

The first point is that the countries that win a war they scale their culture dominates over the world since English was being spoken in Britain and USA. It dominated the world.

The second important point was that the USA became the most powerful country in the world because after the end of the world war second the USA was one of the most only country that didn't in care huge losses. The rest of the developed countries were deposited and their economic growth had crashed but in America a large economic boom was seen after the end of the world war second after the 1950 America came up as a superpower along with the Soviet union.

With the help of capitalism, America business start to spread all around the World the top business rule started teaching in English English became the language for trade and business.

The musical bands from America also starts to sing in the English language and start becoming popular worldwide. Additionally the same thing was seen with the filmmakers Hollywood films and the American television series became global sensations. So with the best technology American culture spread throughout the world.

World war second is the most important reason for the America's boom.

 English proved to be the powerful language. English dominated even after the 1980s and 1990s leaving behind all other languages because the invention of the internet occurred in the America the companies related to the internet that came up.

 the top tech companies like Facebook, YouTube, Google, Apple are from USA. Websites on the Internet are in English language and also computers and keyboards are also founded in USA that's why these are in English language so all the world are using it right now so the conclusion is English 
language is in boom by the internet.