After the Deadly affected by the covid-19 the new variant omicron is spreading wild fire in just few days

Omicron is also known as B.1.1.529 cassava in South Africa

South Africa telling this virus to the world Health Organisation (W.H.O) on 24th November.

Finding in the many country including Australia Belgium Denmark Italy Netherland

(W.H.O) tell this disease in the category of variant on 26th November.
(W.H.O) divided variant into two types 

• variant of concent
• variant of interest

Variant of concent


After the deadly affected by covid-19 the new variant Omricon is spreading while fair in just few days.

Omricon is also known as b.1.1.529 found in cassava ( South Africa)

South Africa tell this thing do w.h.o. on 24 November.

 find in many countries including AUSTRALIA, BELGIUM, BRATAIN, DENMARK, ITALY, NETHERLANDS, etc.

 W.H.O. tell this  disease radiant on 26th November to the whole world.

W.H.O. divided variant into two types

1. variant of concent
2. variant of interest
Variant of consent 
1. alpha[U.K. sep 2020]
2. beta [South Africa May 2020]
3. gamma[Brazil nov 2020]
4. delta[India oct 2020]
5. Omricon[South Africa dec 2020]

Variant of interest

Covid-19 and seasonal flu all must have same symptoms.

Almost by flu died 650000 over 6.5 million in whole world.

Is this various is deadly?

 we can't conclude this virus is dead deadly w.h.o. said that we will find out in few week according South Africa hospitalization increase very rapidly we cannot conclude that about death ratio.

Due to this variant some countries stop travelling and lockdown USA and Britain restricted South African countries for travelling like Namibia, zimabambe etc.50 plus mutation present

 Is vaccine is affected to the this variant?

In normal case it's yes In worst case it's no We can't say anything but 

• don't do not panic
• be at home
• stop travelling 

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wear mask and vaccinated 
stay home stay safe